Rexer: Biography

In its most primitive definition, art is anything a human creates. Through the lens of biography, anything a human creates is a reflection of them, as it was created through their mind, and by their hand. 
Beyond this, however, are the obvious connections between an artist's work and their own life. Rexer refers to Kertesz’s photographs as, “a stream of metaphoric images that chronicle not his travels and encounters but more so his inner life, a parallel narrative” (18). This parallel narrative he describes stands true throughout Kertesz’s work; the emotions of his photograph correlate with his life journey as he moves and experiences success, struggle, failure, romance, and loss. Amongst them all is a consistency that makes them his photos, as the feelings of loneliness and separation are highlighted within his shadows. 

In the end, any art created by a person will always reflect them in one way or another. Even if they make the art unrecognizable to them, then there are things they are avoiding, and that lack of connection tells us something even stronger. The art created changes, as the life of the artist does, and as their inspirations grow and feelings evolve, making art a beautiful story of the journey of life at its core. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the connections between an artist and their work can be deepened through their biography. 


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